そろそろDocker Desktopの無料猶予期間(2022/01/31)が迫ってきましたので、Docker Desktopとお別れすることにしました。
LimaはLinux VM環境が手軽に実現できるアプリケーションです。
Docker DesktopはGUI機能以外にも、LinuxカーネルではないOSに対してLinux VM環境を提供していたため、WindowsやMacOSには必須でした。
Docker Desktopを辞めるということは、Linuxカーネルを持たないOSは何らかの手段でLinuxカーネルが動く環境(Linux VM)を用意しなければいけないのですが、これをLimaにやらせようという魂胆です。
従来のDocker Desktopとの違い
従来のDocker Desktopとの違いは以下の通りです。
従来 | Lima | |
Docker CLIの利用 | ● | ● |
GUI | ● | ×(メモリやCPUなどはLimaの設定から) |
ビルド済イメージの保持 | ● | ●※1 |
ビルド速度 | ● | ▲(ダウンロードなど、気持ち遅いかも) |
VSCode | ● | ●※2 |
※1 ただしLima環境を消す(limactl rmする)と無くなってしまうので注意、保持したい場合は別途待避するスクリプト実装など必要
※2 本来の望ましい方法ではないようだが設定変更で問題無く動作(参考)
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# Arch: "default", "x86_64", "aarch64".
# "default" corresponds to the host architecture.
arch: "x86_64"
# An image must support systemd and cloud-init.
# Ubuntu and Fedora are known to work.
# Default: none (must be specified)
# Try to use a local image first.
- location: "~/Downloads/impish-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
arch: "x86_64"
- location: "~/Downloads/impish-server-cloudimg-arm64.img"
arch: "aarch64"
# Download the file from the internet when the local file is missing.
# Hint: run `limactl prune` to invalidate the "current" cache
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/impish/current/impish-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
arch: "x86_64"
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/impish/current/impish-server-cloudimg-arm64.img"
arch: "aarch64"
# CPUs: if you see performance issues, try limiting cpus to 1.
# Default: 4
cpus: 4
# Memory size
# Default: "4GiB"
memory: "4GiB"
# Disk size
# Default: "100GiB"
disk: "10GiB"
# Expose host directories to the guest, the mount point might be accessible from all UIDs in the guest
# Default: none
- location: "~"
# CAUTION: `writable` SHOULD be false for the home directory.
# Setting `writable` to true is possible, but untested and dangerous.
writable: false
- location: "/tmp/lima"
writable: true
# A localhost port of the host. Forwarded to port 22 of the guest.
# Default: 0 (automatically assigned to a free port)
localPort: 0
# Load ~/.ssh/*.pub in addition to $LIMA_HOME/_config/user.pub .
# This option is useful when you want to use other SSH-based
# applications such as rsync with the Lima instance.
# If you have an insecure key under ~/.ssh, do not use this option.
# Default: true
loadDotSSHPubKeys: true
# Forward ssh agent into the instance.
# Default: false
forwardAgent: false
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# Enable system-wide (aka rootful) containerd and its dependencies (BuildKit, Stargz Snapshotter)
# Default: false
system: false
# Enable user-scoped (aka rootless) containerd and its dependencies
# Default: true
user: false
# # Override containerd archive
# # Default: hard-coded URL with hard-coded digest (see the output of `limactl info | jq .defaultTemplate.containerd.archives`)
# archives:
# - location: "~/Downloads/nerdctl-full-X.Y.Z-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
# arch: "x86_64"
# digest: "sha256:..."
# Provisioning scripts need to be idempotent because they might be called
# multiple times, e.g. when the host VM is being restarted.
- mode: system
script: |
sed -i 's/host.lima.internal.*/host.lima.internal host.docker.internal/' /etc/hosts
- mode: system
script: |
set -eux -o pipefail
command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh
- mode: system
script: |
set -eux -o pipefail
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp://
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
# # Only `readiness` probes are supported right now.
- mode: readiness
description: docker to be installed
script: |
set -eux -o pipefail
if ! timeout 30s bash -c "until command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 3; done"; then
echo >&2 "docker is not installed yet"
exit 1
hint: See "/var/log/cloud-init-output.log". in the guest
# ===================================================================== #
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# Use legacy BIOS instead of UEFI.
# Default: false
legacyBIOS: false
# QEMU display, e.g., "none", "cocoa", "sdl", "gtk".
# As of QEMU v5.2, enabling this is known to have negative impact
# on performance on macOS hosts: https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/334
# Default: "none"
display: "none"
# The instance can get routable IP addresses from the vmnet framework using
# https://github.com/lima-vm/vde_vmnet.
# Lima can manage daemons for networks defined in $LIMA_HOME/_config/networks.yaml
# automatically. Both vde_switch and vde_vmnet binaries must be installed into
# secure locations only alterable by the "root" user.
# - lima: shared
# # MAC address of the instance; lima will pick one based on the instance name,
# # so DHCP assigned ip addresses should remain constant over instance restarts.
# macAddress: ""
# # Interface name, defaults to "lima0", "lima1", etc.
# interface: ""
# Lima can also connect to "unmanaged" vde networks addressed by "vnl". This
# means that the daemons will not be controlled by Lima, but must be started
# before the instance. The interface type (host, shared, or bridged) is
# configured in vde_vmnet and not in lima.
# vnl (virtual network locator) points to the vde_switch socket directory,
# optionally with vde:// prefix
# - vnl: "vde:///var/run/vde.ctl"
# # VDE Switch port number (not TCP/UDP port number). Set to 65535 for PTP mode.
# # Default: 0
# switchPort: 0
# # MAC address of the instance; lima will pick one based on the instance name,
# # so DHCP assigned ip addresses should remain constant over instance restarts.
# macAddress: ""
# # Interface name, defaults to "lima0", "lima1", etc.
# interface: ""
# Port forwarding rules. Forwarding between ports 22 and ssh.localPort cannot be overridden.
# Rules are checked sequentially until the first one matches.
# portForwards:
# - guestPort: 443
# hostIP: "" # overrides the default value ""; allows privileged port forwarding
# # default: hostPort: 443 (same as guestPort)
# # default: guestIP: "" (also matches bind addresses "", "::", and "::1")
# # default: proto: "tcp" (only valid value right now)
# - guestPortRange: [4000, 4999]
# hostIP: "" # overrides the default value ""
# # default: hostPortRange: [4000, 4999] (must specify same number of ports as guestPortRange)
# - guestPort: 80
# hostPort: 8080 # overrides the default value 80
# - guestIP: "" # overrides the default value ""
# hostIP: "" # overrides the default value ""
# # default: guestPortRange: [1, 65535]
# # default: hostPortRange: [1, 65535]
# - guestPort: 8888
# ignore: true (don't forward this port)
# - guestSocket: "/run/user/{{.UID}}/my.sock"
# hostSocket: mysocket
# # "guestSocket" can include these template variables: {{.Home}}, {{.UID}}, and {{.User}}.
# # "hostSocket" can include {{.Home}}, {{.Dir}}, {{.Name}}, {{.UID}}, and {{.User}}.
# # Put sockets into "{{.Dir}}/sock" to avoid collision with Lima internal sockets!
# # Sockets can also be forwarded to ports and vice versa, but not to/from a range of ports.
# # Forwarding requires the lima user to have rw access to the "guestsocket",
# # and the local user rwx access to the directory of the "hostsocket".
# # Lima internally appends this fallback rule at the end:
# - guestIP: ""
# guestPortRange: [1, 65535]
# hostIP: ""
# hostPortRange: [1, 65535]
# # Any port still not matched by a rule will not be forwarded (ignored)
# Message. Information to be shown to the user, given as a Go template for the instance.
# The same template variables as for listing instances can be used, for example {{.Dir}}.
# You can view the complete list of variables using `limactl list --list-fields` command.
# It also includes {{.HostOS}} and {{.HostArch}} vars, for the runtime GOOS and GOARCH.
message: |
To run `docker` on the host (assumes docker-cli is installed):
$ export export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'
$ docker ...
# Extra environment variables that will be loaded into the VM at start up.
# These variables are consumed by internal init scripts, and also added
# to /etc/environment.
# If you set any of "ftp_proxy", "http_proxy", "https_proxy", or "no_proxy", then
# Lima will automatically set an uppercase variant to the same value as well.
DOCKER_HOST: 'tcp://'
# Lima will override the proxy environment variables with values from the current process
# environment (the environment in effect when you run `limactl start`). It will automatically
# replace the strings "localhost" and "" with the host gateway address from inside
# the VM, so it stays routable. Use of the process environment can be disabled by setting
# propagateProxyEnv to false.
# Default: true
propagateProxyEnv: true
# The host agent implements a DNS server that looks up host names on the host
# using the local system resolver. This means changing VPN and network settings
# are reflected automatically into the guest, including conditional forward,
# and mDNS lookup:
# Default: true
useHostResolver: false
# If useHostResolver is false, then the following rules apply for configuring dns:
# Explicitly set DNS addresses for qemu user-mode networking. By default qemu picks *one*
# nameserver from the host config and forwards all queries to this server. On macOS
# Lima adds the nameservers configured for the "en0" interface to the list. In case this
# still doesn't work (e.g. VPN setups), the servers can be specified here explicitly.
# If nameservers are specified here, then the "en0" configuration will be ignored.
# ===================================================================== #
# ===================================================================== #
# The builtin defaults can be changed globally by creating a $LIMA_HOME/_config/default.yaml
# file. It will be used by ALL instances under the same $LIMA_HOME, and it
# will be applied on each `limactl start`, so can affect instance restarts.
# A similar mechanism is $LIMA_HOME/_config/override.yaml, which will take
# precedence even over the settings in an instances lima.yaml file.
# It too applies to ALL instances under the same $LIMA_HOME, and is applied
# on each restart. It can be used to globally override settings, e.g. make
# the mount of the home directory writable.
# On each instance start the config settings are determined: If a value is
# not set in `lima.yaml`, then the `default.yaml` is used. If that file
# doesn't exist, or the value is not defined in the file, then the buildin
# default is used. If `override.yaml` exists and defines the value, then
# it overrides whatever has been choosen so far.
# For slices (e.g. `mounts`, `provision`) and maps (`env`) the entries are
# combined instead of replacing each other. Slices are produced from override
# settings, followed by lima.yaml, followed by defaults.yaml (but NOT from
# builtin defaults). Maps are produced starting with defaults.yaml values,
# overwriting with lima.yaml ones, overwriting with override.yaml.
# Exceptions:
# - `dns` will use the list from the highest priority file; they are not
# combined. If override.yaml defines a list of `dns` entries, then the
# settings in default.yaml and lima.yaml are ignored.
# - `mounts` will update the `writable` setting when 2 entries have the
# same `location` value. For this reason they are processed in the opposite
# order: starting with default, followed by lima, and then override.
# -`networks` will replace lower priority entries with the same `interface`
# name with higher priority definitions. This does not apply if the
# `interface` field is empty. `networks` are therefore also processed
# in lowest to highest priority order.
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起動にかなり時間がかかる(7〜8分)のと、途中で起動状況の監視タイムアウトが発生する(FATA[0602] did not receive an event with the "running" status)ためです。
ログに[ OK ] Reached target Cloud-init target.が出れば起動完了です。
# Limaを起動
limactl start ./docker.yaml
# 別のターミナルでログを監視
# "[ OK ] Reached target Cloud-init target."が出るまで待機
tail -f ~/.lima/docker/serial.log
# シェル種別を判断
echo $SHELL
# 以下を~/.zshrcまたは~/.bashrcに追記する
# zsh
echo "export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'" >> ~/.zshrc
# bash
echo "export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'" >> ~/.bashrc
docker versionが問題無く動作するはずです。
Limaの環境を捨ててしまうとデータが消えるのは注意したいところですが、Docker Desktopなしで使えるというのは便利です。